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Login to ExyData API platform

We have several tools to interact with the ExyData API platform. We have ExyData Web Console, that is our web control panel, we have the CLI and we have the API. In this section, we will explain how to login to the ExyData API platform using the CLI and the API.

In this section, you will learn how to:

Login using ExyData Web Console

To login to the ExyData Web Console, you need to go to and enter your email address and password that you used to create your account.

Alt text

Login using the CLI

The CLI is a command line tool that allows you to interact with the ExyData API platform. You can use the CLI to login to the ExyData API platform and to create services.

Installing the CLI


curl -L -o exy

Make executable

chmod +x exy


curl -o exy.exe


To login to the ExyData API platform, you need to run the following command:

exy login \
--email [email protected] \
--password YourPassword

The response will be a JSON object with the following properties:

  "org_id": "8d25b10xxxxx",
  "token": "your-super-token",
    "created_at": "2019-03-27T1:34:56.789Z",
    "expires_at": "2019-03-27T2:34:56.789Z"

Take in consideration that the token expires in 1 hour. After that, you will need to login again to activate your token.

Login using the API

To login to the ExyData API platform, you need to send a POST request to the following endpoint:

The request body should be a JSON object with the following properties:

  • email: Your email address
  • password: The password of your account

The response will be a JSON object with the following properties:

  • org_id: The ID of your account
  • token: The API key of your account
  • created_at: The date and time when your account was created
  • expires_at: The date and time when your API key will expire


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "YourPassword"


  "org_id": "8d25b10xxxxx",
  "token": "your-super-token",
    "created_at": "2019-03-27T1:34:56.789Z",
    "expires_at": "2019-03-27T2:34:56.789Z"

Now, you're ready to start to create services in the ExyData platform. Before of that a few considerations:


Tokens are valid for 1 hour. After that, you will need to login again to activate your token.

You will need your org_id and token to do operations against the ExyData platform. If you want to create a new service, those two values are required.

All set? Let's go to the next step...