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ExyData CLI

The ExyData CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to deploy and manage your ExyData services. In this guide, we will cover the following topics:

CLI Installation

The ExyData CLI is available for Linux, Windows and MacOS. To download an install the CLI, please follow the instructions below.


Download the latest version of the CLI for Linux:

curl -L -o exy && chmod +x exy

You can move the exy binary to a directory in your PATH to make it easier to use. for example...

sudo mv exy /usr/local/bin


Download the latest version of the CLI for Windows:

curl -o exy.exe


Download the latest version of the CLI for MacOS:

curl -L -o exy && chmod +x exy

Register to the platform

To register to the platform, you need to provide your email address and a password. The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character.

exy register \
    --first_name your-name \
    --last_name your-last-name \
    --email <your-email> \
    --password <your-password>

You will receive an email with a confirmation link. Click on the link to confirm your email address. Also, the output of the command will contain the org_id, which you will need to login and interact with the platform.

Login to the ExyData platform

To login to the platform, you need to provide your email address and password.

exy login \
    --email <your-email> \
    --password <your-password>

If the login is successful, you will receive an access token that will be used to authenticate your requests to the platform.

Deploy a new database or add-on

To deploy a new workload in the platform, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • --database: The name of the database to deploy. See Databases Availability for a list of databases and add-ons available in the platform.
  • --cloud: The cloud provider where the database will be deployed. See Cloud Providers for a list of available providers.
  • --region: The region where the database will be deployed. See Cloud Regions for a list of available regions.
  • --size: The size of the database. See Database Sizes for a list of available sizes.
  • --org_id: The organization ID where the database will be deployed. You can get the organization ID by running the exy login command.
  • --token: The access token to authenticate your requests to the platform. You can get the access token by running the exy login command.
exy deploy \
    --database <database-name> \
    --cloud <cloud-provider> \
    --region <cloud-region> \
    --plan <plan-selected> \
    --org_id <your-org-id> \
    --token <your-access-token>

Resize an instance

To resize a workload in the platform, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • --cloud: The cloud provider where the workload is deployed. See Cloud Providers for a list of available providers.
  • --region: The region where the workload is deployed. See Cloud Regions for a list of available regions.
  • --resource_id: The resource ID of the workload to resize. You can get the resource ID by running the exy list command.
  • --size: The new size of the workload. See Database Sizes for a list of available sizes.
  • --org_id: The organization ID where the workload is deployed. You can get the organization ID by running the exy login command.
  • --token: The access token to authenticate your requests to the platform. You can get the access token by running the exy login command.
exy resize \
    --cloud <cloud-provider> \
    --region <cloud-region> \
    --resource_id <resource-id> \
    --plan <plan-selected> \
    --org_id <your-org-id> \
    --token <your-access-token>

Delete a instance

Deleting a workload will permanently delete all data associated with it. This action cannot be undone.

To delete a workload in the platform, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • --cloud: The cloud provider where the workload is deployed. See Cloud Providers for a list of available providers.
  • --region: The region where the workload is deployed. See Cloud Regions for a list of available regions.
  • --resource_id: The resource ID of the workload to delete. You can get the resource ID by running the exy list command.
  • --org_id: The organization ID where the workload is deployed. You can get the organization ID by running the exy login command.
  • --token: The access token to authenticate your requests to the platform. You can get the access token by running the exy login command.
exy delete \
    --cloud <cloud-provider> \
    --region <cloud-region> \
    --resource_id <resource-id> \
    --org_id <your-org-id> \
    --token <your-access-token>

List instances running in the platform

To list workloads in the platform, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • --org_id: The organization ID where the workloads are deployed. You can get the organization ID by running the exy login command.
  • --token: The access token to authenticate your requests to the platform. You can get the access token by running the exy login command.
exy list \
    --org_id <your-org-id> \
    --token <your-access-token>

Add balance to your account

To add balance to your account, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • --org_id: The organization ID where the workloads are deployed. You can get the organization ID by running the exy login command.
  • --token: The access token to authenticate your requests to the platform. You can get the access token by running the exy login command.
exy add-balance \
    --org_id <your-org-id> \
    --token <your-access-token>

A link to the payment page will be displayed in the output of the command. Click on the link to add balance to your account.

Use the email address you used to login to the platform to add balance to your account. If you use a different email address, the balance will not be added to your account automatically, in that case, reach out to [email protected] to add the balance to your account.

Get the balance for your account

To get your balance in the platform, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • --org_id: The organization ID where the workloads are deployed. You can get the organization ID by running the exy login command.
  • --token: The access token to authenticate your requests to the platform. You can get the access token by running the exy login command.
exy balance \
    --org_id <your-org-id> \
    --token <your-access-token>


We continue to add more features to the CLI. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at [email protected].